- Story #21 - Mar 18 - “I Will Not Give My Glory to Another” by R. E. Diaz
- Story #20 - Mar 4 - “The Spirit Path” by Logan D. Whitney
- Story #19 - Feb 18 - “The Sorcerer Weaves Magic in His Sleep” by David Carter
- Story #18 - Feb 4 - “The Carrion Knight” by Thomas Grayfson
- Story #17 - Jan 21 - “Oblivion’s Key” by Gustavo Bondoni
- Story #16 - Jan 7 - “The Necroman” by Adam Parker
- Story #15 - Dec 10 - “Last Man Standing” by C. L. Werner
- Story #14 - Nov 26 - “Shadow in the Eye” by Erik Waag
- Story #13 - Nov 12 - “Lawbringer” by H. H. Crom
- Story #12.5 - Nov 5 - “The Blood-Beast from Hellmouth” by Andrew Darlington
- Story #12 - Oct 29 - “The Widow Ayers” by B. Harlan Crawford
- Story #11 - Oct 15 - “The Widening Waste” by Mario Carić
- Story #10 - Oct 1 - “Two Swords Waiting” by Mike Chinn
- Story #9 - Sept 17 - “Unbound” by R. E. Diaz
- Story #8 - Sept 3 - “Queen of the Shifting City” by Tim Hanlon
- Story #7 - Aug 20 - “A Crown of Crimson and Silver” by Chris Hall
- Story #6 - Aug 6 - “The Forbidden City of Cyramon” by David A. Riley
- Story #5 - July 23 - “Call of the Wyrd” by Teel James Glenn
- Story #4 - July 9 - “Eye of the Beholder” by Charles Allen Gramlich
- Story #3 - June 25 - “Playing With Fire” by Geoffrey Hart
- Story #2 - June 11 - “Korvix and the Heart of Darkness” by Matt Hilton
- Story #1 - June 4 - “A Hiss from the Mound” by B. Harlan Crawford
What & Where: Tule Fog Press has launched an electronic newsletter e-zine via Lyn Perry’s S&S Roundup Substack Newsletter. Every other week, a new story is delivered straight to a subscriber's inbox - and will also be available to read online for free.
(Click here for a free subscription: https://tulefogpress.substack.com/ )
Who & What:
All writers welcome. Original stories should embrace the spirit of sword and
sorcery and run 2,500 to 4,000 words. Exceptions possible. Close adjacent
genres welcome: e.g., sword and planet/sandal/soul, heroic adventure, etc. No
f-bombs or GDs, no explicit sex or excessive gore. Reprints considered if story is not generally available and was published prior to 2022. Maximum two
stories at a time. Simultaneous submissions okay.
The Deets:
Payment is $20 to license story for world electronic distribution via Substack
newsletter / Substack website; exclusive use for nine months, non-exclusive
thereafter. Author retains copyright. Additional $15 possible to license story
for inclusion in an e-book / paperback collection; plus contributor copy. No
guarantee or obligation for either writer or publisher.
Submit Completed Manuscript: Follow Shunn’s Modern Manuscript Format (see link, but no pronouns). Times New Roman 12, double-spaced, single space after period. Use American quote marks, but British or American spellings okay.
Send e-mail with subject line: Submission: Title by Author. Attach a Word doc/docx or RTF file to TuleFogPress @ gmail . com; include
a brief third person bio along with any links you want to share (website,
author page, etc.). No story summary needed, but if you’re good at short
teasers, go ahead and include one.
me, Lyndon Perry: I’m a very hands-on
editor – and picky! (grin) Lots of comments, suggestions, and I’m prone to
change punctuation, paragraphing, word choice, etc. If you don’t like a lot of
editor involvement, this may not be your venue. I’m also ultra conservative
socially, economically, spiritually, and politically if that makes any
difference to you; but I am not easily offended. Write the story you want to
write. If I like it, I’ll let you know. Also, feel free to share these
guidelines with others.
been writing/editing for almost 20 years. I’ve appeared in, among others, WOOL
Gathering; Dragons: Cutter’s Final Cut Book 2; When Your Beauty IS The Beast:
Fairy Tale Anthology #1; Fangs and Broken Bones: A Feed Your Monster Anthology;
Feast of Fools and Other Tales; and Swords & Sorceries: Tales of Heroic
Fantasy, Volume 6. My own heroic adventure is called The Sword of Otrim (on Amazon).
My editing projects include: Swords & Heroes; Monster Fight at the O.K. Corral, Volumes 1 & 2; While the Morning Stars Sing: An Anthology of Spiritually Infused Speculative Fiction; Residential Aliens Anthology, Volume 1; ResAliens Magazine and Tule Fog Tales. I also edited Milton J. Davis’s Changa’s Safari, Volumes 1 & 2.
websites are www.TuleFogPress.com
and LyndonPerryWriter.com
– I’m also on FB. Feel free to email me any questions you have, but really just
send me a story to read. Thanks, Lyndon Perry