
The Princess and the Zombie ~ And Other Stories
by Lyndon Perry

This latest collection of 'cozy thrillers' from Lyndon Perry features light and humorous takes on zombies, devils, and djinns. These 6 tales, about 40 pages, will entertain you over a lunch break for less than a cup of coffee.

Featuring six 'horror lite' stories:
+ Billy Farnsworth: Zombie Hunter
+ The Princess and the Zombie
+ The Newbie and the Zombie
+ One More Book Before I Die
+ Exorcising Judgment
+ Exit Ramp

60-Minute Reads
Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Stories
Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Reads
Available on Amazon. (affiliate link)

Space Opera Humor!

The Adventures of Mazaru, 
the Space Monkey Pirate
by Lyndon Perry

This short collection of five stories features Mazaru, the Space Monkey Pirate, and his human sidekick, Captain Ed Drake, as they adventure across the galaxy to confront the King of the Space Monkey Pirates himself.

Features Five Monkey "Tails"
+ Shock the Monkey
+ Thousand Splendid Monkeys
+ Space Monkey Business
+ Barrel of Space Monkeys
+ Space Monkey See

This bit of clean and whimsical "space opera lite" is about 30 pages in length. Great for a quick read over the lunch hour!

Available at Amazon. (affiliate link)
Other formats available here.

Strange Worlds of Lunacy
An Anthology of Speculative Humor
Edited by Lyndon Perry and Crystalwizard

Strange Worlds of Lunacy is a compilation of the funniest fantasy and sci-fi humor in the galaxy, the known universe, and all nine-million planes of existence!

(Okay, well, maybe just the surrounding 5 blocks.)

More than 50 short stories, limericks, and poems by breakout authors and seasoned veterans alike. This antho will have you laughing so hard you'll wet your...

"...a squeaky-clean bathroom buddy." ~ Colin P. Davies

Available as a paperback from Lulu. Also as a PDF ebook.
Also from B&N paperback as well as B&N ebook.
And at Amazon.