Meet Our Authors

Gustavo Bondoni was born in Argentina, which, he believes, makes him one of the few - if not the only - Argentinean fiction writers writing primarily in English. He moved to the US at the age of three because his father worked for a multinational company that bounced him around the world every three years. Miami, Zurich, Cincinnati. He only made it back to Buenos Aires at the age of twelve, by which time he was not quite an American kid, not quite a European kid, and definitely not Argentinean! His fiction spans the range from science fiction to mainstream stories, passing through sword & sorcery and magic realism along the way, and it has been published in fourteen countries and seven languages to date. Find more at his website.

Books by Gustavo Bondoni.

Michael T. Burke is a lifelong fan of fantasy, science fiction, and horror, propelled into these realms at a tender age when he discovered his father’s cache of pulp novels. A passion for comic books soon followed. These flights of fancy lurked in the recesses of his brain while he decided what he wanted to be when he grew up. In 2000, Michael co-founded the award-winning comic and collectible store, Comicazi, in Somerville, MA. When not found among the comic stacks at the shop, he can be found at home, releasing the hobgoblins of his mind into story form. Michael has been published in print and online in Whetstone: Amateur Magazine of Sword and Sorcery, The Horror Zine, Northern Frights, Witch House, and the 80s-themed anthology, Totally Tubular Terrors

Andrew Darlington (coming soon)

Charles Allen Gramlich lives amid the piney woods of southern Louisiana and is the author of the Talera fantasy series, the SF novel Under the Ember Star, and the thriller Cold in the Light. His work has appeared in magazines such as Star*Line, Beat to a Pulp, Night to Dawn, Pedestal Magazine, and others. Many of his stories have been collected in the anthologies, Bitter Steel, (fantasy), Midnight in Rosary (Vampires/Werewolves), and In the Language of Scorpions (Horror). Charles also writes westerns under the name Tyler Boone. Although he writes in many different genres, all of his fiction work is known for its intense action and strong visuals. He blogs at Razored Zen.

Tim Hanlon (coming soon)

T. M. Hunter’s short stories have appeared to critical acclaim in such publications as Ray Gun Revival, Residential Aliens, and Golden Visions Magazine. His four Aston West novels include Heroes Die Young , Friends In Deed, Death Brings Victory and All Good Things. Other titles include his novella Seeker, a sci-fi thriller The Cure, and a number of Aston West Triple-Shots. Learn more about T. M. Hunter and read plenty of free excerpts and short stories at

Books by T. M. Hunter.

D. M. Karder (coming soon)

Joel V. Kela calls the Upper Peninsula of Michigan home. He is married to a better woman than he deserves, has four surprising kids, and goes kiteboarding whenever he can. His stories have appeared in a variety of publications, including Stupefying Stories, Big Pulp, and the Deepwood Publishing anthology Ruined Cities.

Books by Joel V. Kela.

Lyndon Perry, who also writes as Garth Perry, is a pastor, husband, and grateful father of two. He enjoys dark roast coffee, herds cats on the side, and used to teach middle grade English. His stories are mostly speculative and usually have a spiritual element to them. You can keep up with his latest projects at

Books by Lyndon Perry.

David A. Riley (coming soon)

Revathi Selwyn is a family practitioner, poet, and author. She loves writing and her books are fun to read. She’s written a series of short stories that encourage children to be kind to one another, to animals, and to nature. In her series, Created for a Purpose, her stories emphasize that God has a purpose for everything He has created. Revathi lives in Hyderabad, India, with her husband; they have two grown children. She loves nature, birds, and animals. Her favorite pets are her two labs, Amy and Teddy. 

Books by Revathi Selwyn.

Stoney M. Setzer lives outside of Atlanta, GA, with his beautiful wife and three wonderful children. Setzer strives to create suspenseful stories with Christian themes. His works have been featured in Residential Aliens, Christian Sci-Fi Journal, Fear and Trembling Magazine, as well as a number of anthologies. He is employed as a middle school special education teacher.

Books by Stoney M. Setzer.

Will Swardstrom is a speculative fiction author. He has two full length novels, Dead Sleep and Dead Sight, and is at work on the finale in the trilogy. He also has a few stories in the Future Chronicles anthologies and in Hugh Howey's Wool universe. Will lives in Southern Illinois with his wife and two children.

Books by Will Swardstrom.


(Tule Fog Press is not accepting unsolicited novel manuscripts at this time.)