
An Easter Journey: Meditations for Lent and Easter

by Lyndon G. Perry

When it came time for him to die, Jesus "set his face" toward Jerusalem. He was on a journey, an Easter journey.

"And it came to pass, when the time had come that He should be received up, He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem." (Luke 9.51, KJV)

Jesus intentionally took the road to Calvary. He knew he had to go the cross to redeem all of creation. In this devotional guide, we'll follow along with Jesus, meditating on Scripture and reflecting on our own journey to Easter.

Preacher and author Rev. Lyndon G. Perry shares his thoughts from the Gospels in three sections of meditations for Lent and Easter: On the Way to the Cross, At the Foot of the Cross, and Living in Light of the Cross. Join him on An Easter Journey

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